Being in a supervisor position can be difficult. Friendships at work make the problematic parts of the job bearable. We need them to survive. What happens when you are the boss? Balancing friendships and your responsibilities can be tricky. It’s crucial to find a way to keep your relationships and work in check.

Draw A Line

Set boundaries when you are at work. Have an honest conversation with your friend. Both of you need to know what is allowed and not allowed during business hours. And then follow them. As the boss do not make exceptions. It will only make the relationship more confusing. 

Co Workers

No Gossip

Whether you are talking about other staff or outside friends you have in common, don’t gossip at work. Others will notice the time you spend and see it as a special treatment. It can seem so innocent to you, but it could change the mood in the office. Do your gossiping when you are both off the clock.

Equal Treatment 

Treat all your employees the same. Be very transparent about your choices. When an employee feels like they were mistreated or overlooked, they will blame your friendship. Any special treatment will come back to hurt you. The environment at work will become toxic if you are not careful. 

Have less drama at work by setting expectations and keeping them. Protect your friendships; they are worth the extra effort.