What we post tells the world who we are. Employers can get a first impression of you before they even meet you. Will it be a good thing, or will it end the interview before it even begins?
Privacy Settings
Use the privacy setting on all your accounts. Make it so that no one other than your friends can see what you post. Then be selective about who you add. Only add people that know in person. Knowing who can see what you post should affect the type of messages that you put up.
Multiple Accounts
Having a job that requires or encourages posting to promote needs a separate account. Do not use your personal account for anything business-related. Pictures of your weekend activities may not go over well next to images of a work event. Keep your worlds separate.
Wait to Post
Never post while emotional. Social media can be used to let others know how we feel about them. Should we be using it this way? Not if it is over the top. Showing someone we love them tastefully may not raise any flags. Blasting about the way someone has hurt you should be in private. Give yourself a timeout before posting. Write the post then re-read it in a few hours. If you still feel good about it then put it out there for everyone to see.
Don’t let your personal life get in the way of growing your professional life.