Every interview is different, but they all have one thing in common. In some form, they will ask you your strengths and weaknesses. How you answer these questions can determine a lot. Finding out for yourself will not only help you respond more honestly but will improve your work life.

Ask Those You Trust

To start your search, talk to friends and family. Those that you trust and know you best. Be prepared for their honesty, and don’t hold it against them. Ask more than just one person. See if there is a pattern. Is there a trait that everyone is mentioning? They may be on to something. 


Think back on past jobs. Where did you succeed? Where did you struggle? Honestly, looking at those two things should help you narrow down some strengths and weaknesses. Also, looking at performance reports or comments from past employers. If you are not extremely open with yourself, this will not work.  

Reflect Tiles


Some tests can determine your strengths and weaknesses. One is Johari Window. It is not just useful in pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses. How to improve your communication, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and team development are only a few of the other areas it will touch on.

Once you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, the work is not over. Now you need to keep growing your strengths. And work on lessening your shortcomings.