Finding a balance in life is a challenge that everyone faces. We all take on so much between our personal and professional lives. They all look different, but the task of balancing them is the same.
Make a list of the most important things in your life. After you have your list look to see if those are the areas you are spending the most time. Spending the majority of your time on the least important things is not the right balance. It will not bring the happiness you deserve. The most important parts of your life need more of your time.
Do Less
Overbooking yourself will only lead to stress and the feeling that you are dropping the ball. Do fewer things, but do them well. Knowing what you can handle and what you can’t is a huge step to creating a balance. Doing less but having it done well may get through your to-do list, but it will bring you more satisfaction.
When you go home completely unplug from work. This may take some practice. Training our brains to leave it at the door when we walk out. Your home life will appreciate it. Home is the place to relax and decompress. We don’t want to bring the stress of the day there. Find a strategy to shut your brain off.
Prioritize your life and find the balance missing in your life.