Our team of experts at The Professional Pursuit are here to help.

Be A Friend and The Boss

Be A Friend and The Boss

Being in a supervisor position can be difficult. Friendships at work make the problematic parts of the job bearable. We need them to survive. What happens when you are the boss? Balancing friendships and your responsibilities can be tricky. It's crucial to find a way...

Is Work Bringing You Down?

Is Work Bringing You Down?

Money makes the world go around. Finding employment is a need everyone has. That doesn't mean we are going to love every position that we have. There are times we need to get a paycheck. It is leading us not to be very excited about going to work each day. Try a few...

Handling Personality Clashes

Handling Personality Clashes

It is inevitable to not get along ideally with everyone you work with. Everyone has a different personality and way of perceiving situations. When problems arise, it takes effort to find the right way to handle it. Try these three steps next time you begin to clash...

Class Action Funds!

Find out if you’re eligible for Class Action funds! This may be your last chance to claim up to $1,000

Rent Assistance

Assistance is available to help pay rent! Don’t be the one that misses out on this!

Help Wanted

Pick your new job today! There are jobs available in your area! Positions paying up to $35/Hour.

Need Help with Work Attire?

Need Help with Work Attire?

Landing that perfect job means you now need to dress the part. Being new to the workforce can make this a challenge. Trading in your college clothes for work clothes is a task that can be overwhelming. Try some of the excellent services out there to get your perfect...

Cellphone Rules to Follow to Keep Your Job

Cellphone Rules to Follow to Keep Your Job

Cell phones keep us connected every minute of every day. Even the hours of the day we are at work. Supervisors are not as pleased with this. To keep the temptation to a minimum, here are some rules to keep your cellphone at work to a minimum.  Silence It Turning...

Clean Up Your Social Media

Clean Up Your Social Media

What we post tells the world who we are. Employers can get a first impression of you before they even meet you. Will it be a good thing, or will it end the interview before it even begins? Privacy Settings Use the privacy setting on all your accounts. Make it so that...

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